Hall of Impossible Dreams

A book review, and finalist in the 2024 ACX Book Review Contest. You might think that there aren't four thousand words' worth of discussion to be had about a rhyming dictionary. You might be right.

An excerpt from a Superman fanfiction novel I will probably never finish, loosely inspired by the novels of Elliot S! Maggin and the 1956 short story and radio play "Cave of Night", by James E. Gunn.

The Stryxliner is a train bound to Hell carrying the damned. The players play Desperados, ready to risk it all to recover their souls. A one-shot RPG to be played in 2 to 4 hours with minimal prep.

Trackmania: the world's most competitive racing game. A series of nightmares before the dream could begin: packet losses, Linux to Windows to Linux, VNC and screen-sharing, OpenPlanet and plugins...

Trackmania: the world's most competitive racing game. In this post, we begin our journey towards training a neural network to superhuman performance, by chronicling the history of previous attempts.

Prompted by Scott Alexander: a gradual transformation of Ovid's Metamorphoses, starting entirely in English et slowly commutans, piece by piece, until at last finis narratus in Latina pura scribitur.

Having gotten the world record in the hardest version of Tetris, we promptly lost it again. This post tells the history of the HATETRIS world record as it rose from 86 points to 289, in three weeks.

A collection of Mathematica programs and rhymed poetry written for Advent of Code 2022. Highlights include the ballad of John Henry, an OSHA-approved fable, and a grammatically precarious treehouse.

HATETRIS is the world's hardest version of Tetris; it's Tetris that hates you. In this post, we chronicle our eleven-month journey to get the world record, and some of our wrong turns along the way.

Written while procrastinating on the longer HATETRIS post, and rereading Goethe's Faust. Three years of Advent of Code have taught me to cap off every programming project with a poem, so here it is.